The Bush Bailout Plan and the Forex Market

Author: Anthony Wayne

On Wednesday night the President of the United States, George W. Bush, addressed the nation concerning the proposed bailout of United States banks and tottering financial institutions. Reactions to the proposed bailouts were mixed and even some Republicans criticized the administration's proposals. President Bush urged for the immediate passage of the bailout plan stating that "We're in the midst of a serious financial crisis, and the federal government is responding with decisive actions." Bush also stated that failure to pass the bailout plan could lead to a "long and painful recession."

The current United States financial crisis has affected stock markets, commodities, and Forex markets worldwide. Confidence in the United States dollar is waning with many people worried that the bailout policies proposed could lead to a devaluation of the United States dollar. The financial crisis could not be more ill timed with the United States suffering a massive debt from the combination of the War in Iraq, rising oil prices, and massive infrastructure damage from recent hurricanes. The average American is already struggling financially and this financial crisis is only making things worse.

The Bush plan calls for the government to buy 700 billion dollars worth of troubled assets. These assets consist mostly of mortgage backed securities whose values have declined swiftly when the housing market imploded. Initially the White House had taken a hard line concerning the bailout plan but has indicated a willingness to compromise in order to ensure a speedy passage of the bailout plan.

The Bush administration compromised with Democrats who demanded that the pay of CEOs of troubled firms be limited. Addressing such concerns Bush stated that the financial rescue "should make certain that failed executives do not receive a windfall from your tax dollars." Bush also invited both presidential candidates and key congressional leaders to the White House to work out a compromise on the bailout. Bush also warned that failure to pass the plan would result in dire economic consequences such as disappearing retirement savings, rising foreclosures, loss of jobs and closing of businesses.

One can only hope that politicians, for once, can put partisan politics aside and work together on a plan that would benefit both business and the average American worker. With the United States dollar regarded as unstable in some Forex Markets, failure to act could result in a disaster and the voters are not likely to forget such a financial disaster come election time.

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About the Author:

Anthony Wayne works in the marketing department of the Forex Information site Forex Opportunity in Pennsylvania. He is also editor of the Internet Bingo Blog a great source of internet bingo information.


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